The Wonder!
They made the trip because the government said so.
There were no vacancies, and she was about to give birth.
They could find only a stable.
There the Child was born.

Sheep herders welcomed the Baby.
Three stargazers from the east looked for the Baby.
These wise men gave the Child expensive gifts.
A royal threat forced the family to
flee the country.
Back home, the Boy grew and learned carpentry.
He traveled the land telling of His Father and of His real home
that He wished to share with everyone.
At his last Passover meal He began the sharing of His very self.
His life ended in torture so that all who had ever lived or who
would live could find happiness forever.
A couple thousand years have gone by.
This history remains central to human life.
God is with us.
No wonder the celebration of His birth.
The Wonder!
May peace embrace the earth
this Christmas and beyond.
The New Year brings another chance.