Fifty years of war on poverty. Twenty trillion, 700 billion
tax dollars spent. Poor people still some 14 percent of the population, meaning
more now than in 1964.
LBJ, in declaring the war, said he wanted to replace poverty
with jobs. Some tax “investment” was needed to accomplish that, he said. Lyndon
Byrd Johnson was wrong. Barrack Hussein Obama is wrong in seeking to spend more
and more on continuing the tax-funded “weapons” in that unending war.
Two real attacks, which might be called principles, could
reduce poverty (poverty may never be eliminated because of the nature of
Teach youth Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmatic.
Foster an economic climate that encourages
business in all its form.
First, teaching is the job of parents, who must demand that
schools do their jobs, too.
Secondly, voters must demand that government at all levels
recognize the reality that each tax dollar is generated by private commerce,
and that each dollar belongs to the governed not to the governors.
Putting those principles into effect will be pretty hard to
do with the present climate in this country. The family is in trouble.
Governmental functionaries think they know all the answers.
Voters must learn more facts. They must try to spread those
facts. They must agitate.
Then they must vote the rascals out. They must vote in
common sense people intent upon letting the American system work – imposing only
meaningful restraints, eliminating the fanciful – for the benefit of all.
Rich, poor, middle class all can gain when government stops playing
and just referees.