Friday, November 30, 2012


Consider the absurdity of the fiscal cliff and sequestration. Not to mention the unfathomable debt. A CEO, CFO and board that put a corporation in similar, complete jeopardy would have faced shareholder lawsuits and possible criminal prosecution.
But presidents and congresses over the years have politicked and produced such mismanagement that those now in power cannot even find a way to talk reasonably about a way out with an intentionally self-imposed crisis looming only days away. Citizen stakeholders can only wait and hope the people they put in charge of what has become a funny farm start acting like responsible, ahem, servants of the public trust rather than self-centered rulers.
The basic business of government has become a game for elected players who consider winning more important than the common welfare of the country. Why else would the president, constitutionally barred from a third term, continue campaigning for his way with taxation and spending? Why else would legislators trade barbs over pledges on tax limits? Why else would the senate wonder whether safeguards for minority views should be altered?
Won’t anyone get serious in Washington? What goes on there is so unreasonable as to be ridiculous. 

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