Monday, July 22, 2013


So it’s a boy!
Born hours before this is written, the heir to the throne of the British Empire – third in line – was identified as a male upon his birth.
How old fashioned.
How appropriate in these days when early identification of a fetus as boy or girl can be the reason for abortion.
The Brits may be as secular as society can now be, with attendance at Church of England services pretty small, smaller than the dwindling Catholic congregations. But with sonic tests that reveal the sex of a child within the womb it is common in the United States to learn of the sex of an unborn child and even name it; that, or – horribly – deciding to take its life because it does not move the parents’ happiness meter.
Of course, British laws covering succession had been changed to allow either prince or princess to ascend to the throne. So regardless of the royal baby’s sex, it would be welcomed as the successor to the queen, or the current Prince of Wales in any case.
Yet, it seems, William and Kate were willing, as were parents of old, to await the birth to learn whether the child would be the Royal Prince or the Royal Princess.

Pip, pip for them.

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